Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Three Tricks Using Facebook to Make Your Ex Crawl Back

Make Your Ex Crawl Back
We’ve all been there. You’ve had a bad breakup, and you know it was all a mistake. The problem is, she’s not giving you the chance to fix it. At times, it feels like she’s torturing you on purpose! I personally remember those times. The nights, lying awake, unable to sleep because you don’t know why you broke up…what she’s doing…why you aren’t together.
Then, all of the unanswered questions: why did we REALLY break up? Why does she REALLY not want to get back together?  When you can’t get someone off of your mind,but thinking about them causes you pain, it’s not exactly a good time.
Guys everywhere can relate to this feeling, and I know that I definitely can. At some point, though, you have to decide that you’re done feeling that way. When that happens, and you hit that point, what can you do? Well, not much if you’re making one of the common mistakes that guys seem to make all the time with their exes. Sure, it’s important to do the right things to win your ex back, but it may be just as important NOT to do the WRONG things. Just take a look at this:
My friend wrote the book (literally) on using Facebook to get your ex back. He used the strategies that he gives in the book to get his own ex back, and his life has been great ever since. Now, he wants to help other guys who are going through the same problems, the same hopelessness that he used to feel.

* * * * * * * * * *
Tip #1: This tip is the hardest one to follow, by far. You have to avoid contact with her for awhile right after the breakup.
It sounds crazy- “Why should I not contact her if I’m trying to win her back?”- but this rule has been established and proven so many times and in so many situations that it is simply accepted as fact by relationship gurus now.
There is a method to all of this “no-contact” madness. First of all, the rule allows her to start missing you. How is she ever going to miss you if you’re up in her face all the time? This applies just as much on Facebook, where you don’t want to be posting on her wall or even talking about her in status updates all the time.
DON’T post on her wall…
DON’T send her direct messages…
DON’T try to contact her…
And for the sake of your chances with her, don’t be posting sad status updates where you don’t technically mention her name, but anyone with a brain could tell who you’re talking about.
This stuff will make you look, frankly, kind of sad, as if you are suffering without her. And yes, you likely are…but she CAN’T know that.
Once the no-contact period ends, you can start to do the real work and win her back for good, but the no-contact period is essential for erasing those recent memories of the breakup and all of the negative stuff that led to it.
Tip #2: One of the questions my friend gets all the time is, “Okay, so what do I do if SHE breaks the no-contact period?” That’s an important question, my friend, because the breakup is still fresh and while this may give you a chance, you can easily ruin that chance and end up way worse off than you were to begin with.
It’s good to recall here that women are not like men. Men think logically whenever possible, but women are emotional creatures. It’s possible that she regrets the breakup.
Then again, she may just be testing things out and seeing how you’ll react.
On Facebook, you may get a message from her on your wall or your inbox, and your response will be very important.
What you should NOT do is get all emotional on her, trying to hit a home run on the first pitch and get back with her in one fell swoop. It’s easy to try to rush things, but it can lead to disaster, also.
You have to let her lead a little bit, and even if she seems open to reconciliation, it might be too soon and ultimately, a little more time to breathe could have made your next try more successful.
In your message back, you’ll emphasize that you’ve been having a good time, doing things with friends, and life is good. Ask her how she’s been and leave it short and simple. You’re busy, after all.
Tip #3: Generally, when you try to get back with your ex, you try to use common friends as what are called “messengers”, to let her know you’re doing well and move things forward.
On Facebook, it’s even better, because those messengers aren’t necessary. Facebook itself becomes the messenger.
Positivity has to be your mantra.
No whiny status updates.
No sad complaints about how love sucks or life is terrible.
No posting of old pictures of the two of you andwistful comments about missing her.
Instead, you’re going to post pictures of yourself having a good
time with friends, and later on, maybe even with random girls. You don’t have to oversell it (“Out on a date with Tricia”, etc.), just post a picture or two of you, smiling, with a pretty girl, and let her wonder.
Same with your status updates. De-emphasize her and keep it all positive. She’ll want to be a part of your life again when she says that it’s good and not a sad “feel sorry for yourself” marathon.
You’re going to present yourself as the person you are- busy, fun, and in demand from both friends and ladies alike. This will just make her come back even sooner.
For some other things to keep in mind, check this out:
Talk soon,

Jerry Standefer, Dean Cortez & Samantha Sanderson
P.S. Even if you haven’t followed the playbook so far, it can be salvaged.
The key is to get started doing the RIGHT things NOW. You can find everything you need to know right here:

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How To Get Your Ex Back


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Jerry Standefer
I am an Internet Marketer since 1998 and love helping other people with there endeavors.
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