Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting Back Together Seemed Like A Good Idea

Getting back together Seemed Like Such A Good Idea, Now What?

It happens quite often, a couple breaks up and realizes they miss each other and they think about getting back together. At first when they are back with one another, things are great and they are so in love, but after a while they start fighting again and they're both wondering what the heck happened?

What happened is that the same problems you had before are still there and you got back together for the wrong reasons. More often than not, a couple will reunite because they are lonely and they miss the comfort of being with someone they've known for a long time. The problem is that you haven't worked on your problems. All the issues and resentments you had before are still there only now you also have all the baggage from your breakup too.

If you really want to make your relationship work the second time around it's important for the two of you to be willing to openly and honestly face up to your problems and work to change them. For most couples this means that each person has to make some changes in the things they do and say. That is where many couples run aground, one or the other of them isn't mature enough to face their flaws let alone work hard to become a better person.

If you and your ex aren't each committed to facing your own issues and doing the work it will take to make real, long term changes in the way you act and the way you treat your partner, your relationship will never work and you are better off just forgetting about "getting back together" otherwise you'll just cause each other a lot of unnecessary pain. If you are both willing to work on yourselves as well as the relationship in general, than you have a good chance of making things so much better the next time around.


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Jerry Standefer
I am an Internet Marketer since 1998 and love helping other people with there endeavors.
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