Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How Do I Get My Ex Back

Don't give up, there is hope. If you've been wondering, "how do I get my ex back?' I may be able to help. It's just way too easy to make a ton of mistakes when you're going through a breakup. Unfortunately, if you're not careful, those mistakes may mean that your relationship is over for good. If you follow these simple tips after you've broken up you can avoid those mistakes and be able to keep the door open to a reconciliation.

Even if you did make some mistakes, if you put these tactics to work for you, it may still be possible for you and your ex to reconnect.

1. For one thing you have to ask yourself : "What went wrong?" Now most people will have a knee jerk response of "I don't know". The truth is that in almost all cases you do know, you just don't want to admit it. It's usually a case where the person who claims to not know what went wrong is usually the one most at fault for the relationship ending.

Of course, both parties share some of the blame, but usually one partner tends to have done more things wrong than the other. It's the partner whose done the most wrong that seems to have the least idea of what went wrong.

Before you can do anything, you have to be willing to stop finding all the things your ex did wrong and start t concentrate on the mistakes you made. Once you've isolated some of the worst mistakes and behavior, you can invest some time in trying to change yourself. No matter what happens with your ex, if you take this time you will become a better person, and that is a good thing.

During this time try to have very little contact with your ex. If you are calling them all the time you won't have time to really work on you and you won't give them time to really know what it would feel like without you in their lives. They need to face that cold hard reality. So, stay away form your ex during this time.

2. Now that you've worked on some of your issues and you have a better handle on yourself and your emotions, you should talk to your ex. Call them on the phone and tell them that you've been giving your relationship a lot of thought and you think you've come up with some answers. Ask them if they'd like to meet you.

If they say no, then you have to just tell them goodbye. I know this will be hard to do but you can't force someone to want to be with you. All you will accomplish is turn whatever lingering affection they have for you into dislike, and I doubt that's the way you want your ex to think of you, is it?

Of course, if they say what you want to hear and they agree to meet, you've just been given a second chance, don't blow it. Set up a time and a place to meet. Keep this meeting casual, just relax and enjoy each other again. Remind yourself how good it felt to be together before the problems started.

If all goes well find another time and agree in advance to talk about things on a deeper level. It might even be a good idea to set up some ground rules about your talk such as not dwelling on situations of the past but only the overall problems. In other words, no finger pointing. Just try to resolve the issues with calmness, love and respect.

"How do I get my ex back?" this is the most common thing many people think about after a breakup. Follow these tips and you will greatly improve your chances of doing just that..."getting back with your ex".


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How To Get Your Ex Back


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Jerry Standefer
I am an Internet Marketer since 1998 and love helping other people with there endeavors.
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