Thursday, April 15, 2010

Simple Steps to Save A Marriage

Simple steps to save a marriage

If you want to save your marriage, I have good news for you: most any marriage can be saved.  I know, it may seem hopeless but if both of you are willing to do what it takes, you can save your marriage.  Unfortunately, if one or the other of you isn't willing to do what it takes your marriage is already over and it might be wise for you to move on.  Here are a few simple steps to save a marriage that you and your spouse can start working on today.  If you think you need a little extra help than find a marriage counselor that you both like and trust to help you out.

1. Obviously, you can't fix something until you know what is broken.  Your mechanic isn't going to just start replacing parts, you hope, on your car hoping to eventually get the right thing.  Your marriage is similar, you can't fix the problems if you don't really know what the problems are.  I can almost guarantee you that your wife doesn't make snide comments to you and act cold towards you because you left the seat up.  And I can be pretty sure that your husband isn't really acting the way he is just because you take too long getting ready to go out.

These petty squabbles are covering up the real issues in your relationship, and that's what the two of you need to get to.

2. Once you've diagnosed the problem, it's time to work together to come up with a strategy to fix things.  Neither of you should plan on doing all the  work yourself, you both need to be willing to work together.  It's also important for both of you to realize that this stage could take a long time.  You have to be patient, your marriage, just like you and your spouse, is a work in progress.  Don't expect a quick fix.

Don't give up on your marriage.  If you and your spouse are willing to work on it together you can pull it back from the brink and following these steps to save a marriage will be a great place to start.

For More Help On Saving Your Marriage—>>Click Here


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Jerry Standefer
I am an Internet Marketer since 1998 and love helping other people with there endeavors.
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