Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What Are The Secrets-How to Get My Wife Back

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Have you gone through a painful breakup or divorce?  Are you having second thoughts?  If so, you may be asking the question "how do i get my ex back?" There is no answer that will work for everyone.  Every relationship has it's own unique issues and personalities.  Even so, there are some simple things that do tend to work for many people. 

Here are some things for you to consider  before you set out on your quest to get back with your ex:

1.  It's very important for you to recognize what went wrong in the relationship and what part you played in the problems. This is not easy to do, most people have a much easier time seeing what their partner's did wrong than they do admitting what they did wrong, but if you don't own up to your own issues and change them, what change do you and your ex have of making the relationship work even if you do manage to get back together?  Don't repeat the same harmful and painful cycles, learn what you did wrong and make changes to become a better person.

2. Don't crowd your ex.  Give them time to miss you and to exhale a bit.  A breakup is difficult and can really knock you off balance.  It's not wise to make big decisions, even about whether or not you should get back together with your ex, during this time.  Give your ex some time and space so that they can process everything that has happened and hopefully own up to the part they played in the problems of the relationship.

3. Spend time on yourself. No one likes a clingy person, so make sure that you don't crowd your ex or appear needy. Instead use this time alone to do the things you like to do and improve yourself.  You may want to learn a new skill, put in some extra time at work, take a class, or just work on your fitness a little bit. Whatever it is, make sure that you spend time doing positive things that will enhance the person you are as well as your life in general.  That way, no matter what happens with your ex, you'll be a better person.

4. If you and your ex share the custody of children you have to be especially careful during this time.  You may be excited about your plan to reconcile with your ex, but your kids have got to be left out of it completely.  They've been through a lot already and you don't want to add to that by putting them in the middle or getting their hopes up that mommy and daddy are going to get back together.  If the two of you can't make it work it'll be like going through the breakup all over again and the kids don't need to go through that twice.

If you want to know the answer to the question "how do i get my ex back?" use these tips to help move things along.  While there is no guarantee, you know if you don't do anything at all, or worse, the wrong thing, you will never get back with your ex. These tactics have helped a lot of people in the past, and they may be able to help you too, give them a try and good luck!

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How To Get Your Ex Back


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Jerry Standefer
I am an Internet Marketer since 1998 and love helping other people with there endeavors.
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